Things to avoid

  • Contact sports and sports with sudden exertion, and/or risk of falling or impact
    • A blow to a chest or the strain of jumping/straining can results in serious injury or even aortic rupture
    • Gymnastics, diving, skating can be risky
  • Competitive sports and/or demanding endurance activities
    • Golf is an exception (but may not be able to carry the bag)
  • Activities that place excessive stress on the joints
    • Can cause dislocation or damage to joint surface
  • Isometric sports
    • Weight lifting can create high blood pressure
  • Agents that stimulate cardiovascular system (i.e. decongestions and caffeine)
  • For those at risk for recurrent pneumothorax
    • Avoid breathing against resistance
      • Playing brass instrument
      • Positive pressure ventilation –i.e. SCUBA diving
        • Lungs may not be able to withstand stress from pressure gradients