Education Supports

It is important to have HIGH LEARNING EXPECTATIONS for children who have Marfan syndrome. Encourage use of the core educational curriculum and modify it in order to meet the individual needs of the child.

Marfan disease does not affect intelligence.  Individuals may have gross or fine motor delay and/or visual difficulties.  They may have frequent absences and need help making up schoolwork.

What you need to know

  • Gross Motor
    • Delays in gross motor development caused by joint hypermobility
  • Fine motor
    • It may be hard to hold a pencil because of loose hand ligaments
    • Individuals may have a hard time writing for a long period of time

  • Vision may fluctuate
  • It may be hard to read for long periods of time.
    • Individuals may have difficulty reading small or light colored fonts
    • They may have difficulty seeing the chalk board/smart board etc.

What you can do

  • PT and orthopedic braces may help
  • Allow extra time for assignments and/or tests
  • Limit handwriting
  • Allow to dictate or verbally take test
  • Use a computer or assistive software

  • Large print books
  • Materials could be contrasting and clear
  • Sit near board
  • Tests/homework in large print