
New England Consortium of Metabolic Programs

The New England Consortium of Metabolic Programs brings together healthcare professionals at all levels involved in identifying and treating individuals with metabolic disorders. 

The goals of the Consortium are to disseminate information, collaborate in the development of social support programs and educational materials, support organizations for parents and adults with metabolic disorders, provide training for students in medicine and related fields, jointly develop and conduct research projects, and establish uniform treatment protocols for individuals with metabolic disorders.

FOD Family Support Group

FOD Family Support Group - 'All in this together'

For our purposes, FOD (Fatty Oxidation Disorders) and FAOD (Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders) refer to the same groups of conditions.

Genetic Fact Sheets for Parents

Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders - VLCAD
by Screening, Technology & Research in Genetics/Expanded Newborn Screening

Genetics Home Reference

Consumer-friendly information about human genetics from the U.S. National Library of Medicine

Genetics Home Reference for VLCAD


Learn more about the genetics of VLCAD.