Physical Activity, Trips, Events

What you need to know 

  • Exercise and physical education should be encouraged for strength building and obesity prevention
    • PE programs can be modified
      • Goal is for child to finish at same time as other children (i.e. run 2 laps instead of 4)
      • Downsize equipment – i.e. smaller bat
      • Have a designated runner
      • Keep them safe and involved.
      • Choose activities to include children as appropriate if activity can be modified.
      • Swimming and biking are encouraged
  • Care must be taken to limit risks for injury to the spinal cord at the craniocervical junction. They have decreased size of spinal column surrounding the spinal cord in the neck area.  It is important to be aware of head and neck trauma.
    • This includes avoiding:
      • Collision /contact sports
        • Football
        • Hockey
        • Rugby
      • Use of trampoline
      • Diving from diving boards
      • Gymnastics
      • Hanging from knees or feet on playground equipment
  • If you live in New England (USA) and qualify, Northeast Passage offers Therapeutic Recreation and Adaptive Sports programming.

What you can do

  • Occupational therapy evaluation may help with accommodations and modifications
  • Field trips
    • If a lot of walking is necessary,  be aware it will take more time and individuals may be tired
      • Consider cutting down on walking when possible
      • Use alternative forms of transportation
  • Assistive device are available to improve accessibility and independence in homes, school, automobile and workplace