Physical Activity, Trips, Events

What you need to know

Physical Education

  • Many children with CHDs can fully participate in most physical and extra curricular activities.
  • It is important for individuals with CHDs to have an opportunity for physical activity to optimize physical and mental health.
  • Certain CHDs and syndromes will have very specific recommendations regarding physical exercise and restrictions. (i.e. Marfan syndrome)
    • Exercise is important and should be encouraged, especially those exercises that build muscle mass and motor skills.
    • May be able to exercise but not participate in contact sports
  • If you live in New England (USA) and qualify, Northeast Passage offers Therapeutic Recreation and Adaptive Sports programming.

Field Trips

  • Individuals with CHD do not typically have difficulties on field trips. 
    • Exceptions may be in field trips that have a lot of physical activity and the child has restrictions.

What you can do

  • Encourage academic and artistic activities if physical activities are more restricted
  • Allow child to help with coaching or team management if there are restrictions
  • Consider 504 for physical activity modifications if appropriate
  • Instruct in self-monitoring technique.
    • Provide opportunities for practice of self-monitoring
    • Instruct in relaxation techniques, safety, and breathing
  • Some individuals may need additional time to get to class
    • Limit extra movement between classes if necessary
  • Make sure the child has extra water
  • Make sure an automated external defibrillator (AED) is available if the condition warrants one