Genetic Education Materials for School Success (GEMSS)

Genetic Education Materials for School Success (GEMSS)
For Families        For Health Care Providers        For Schools
child building with blocks

Genetic Education Materials for School Success (GEMSS) provides a family-friendly starting point to help family members learn more about genetic conditions and offers ideas to encourage inclusion and participation in the classroom. GEMSS shares condition-specific information and resources for multiple audiences, including families, professionals, healthcare providers, and schools. Contributors to GEMSS come from clinical, public health, advocacy, and academic settings. All content has been vetted by clinical and family experts.  


The New England Regional Genetics Network (NERGN) provides this website as a public service for those involved in the education and care of children with genetic and metabolic conditions. The information and views presented on this site are to be used for educational purposes only. They should not be used as a substitute for seeking professional care in the diagnosis and treatment of children with genetic conditions.

There are links included directing readers to other websites. The linked sites are not under control of the NERGN and their content does not reflect the opinion of the NERGN. NERGN provides these links as a convenience to you and assumes no responsibility and does not monitor the content of these sites. By including a link NERGN does not imply a recommendation or endorsement.