
Consumer-friendly information about human genetics from the U.S. National Library of Medicine

Genetics Home Reference for Rett syndrome

Gene Reviews - MECP2 Related Disorders

Learn more about the genetics of Rett/Rett variant and MECP2 related disorders

Rett Syndrome Fact Sheet from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)

Rett Syndrome Research Trust - A cure for Rett syndrome - it's our obsession

International Rett Syndrome Foundation

The core mission of the IRSF is to fund research for treatments and a cure for Rett syndrome while enhancing the overall quality of life for those living with Rett syndrome by providing information, programs, and services.

Girl Power 2 Cure 
We are committed to making Rett Syndrome the first reversible neurological disorder by harnessing the spirit of girls to support fellow girls who are suffering. We support girls in the planning and implementation of events that raise awareness and funds forRett Syndrome research, as well as support Rett families with resources, fundraising help and awareness tools.

Classroom Accommodations for Students with Visual Issues is a resource from Boulder Valley Vision Therapy, P.C., in Boulder, Colorado. It describes a variety of variety of issues and offers strategies.