
This is called hypotonia.

    • Nose
      • Flat bridge of the nose 
    • Eyes
      • Appear to slant upward (upslanting palpebral fissures)
      • Small folds of skin in the inner corners (epicanthal folds
      • Light colored spots (Brushfield spots) in the outer parts of the iris of the eye.  These spots don’t affect an individual’s sight.
    • Mouth
      • Tends to be small and the roof of mouth may be shallow 
      • Tongue often protrudes and appears large in relation to the mouth due to low muscle tone.
    • Teeth
      • May come in late, be small, and appear in an unusual order
    • Ears
      • Small, have small tops that fold over, absent ear lobes, and set lower on head
      • Smaller ear passages that can lead to more frequent ear infections
    • Head shape
      • Smaller than normal
      • Back of the head may be flatter and shorter than normal.
    • Neck
      • Appears shorter with excess folds of skin on the back of the neck

    • Rate of growth not as fast
    • Average adult female height is 4 feet 9.
    • Average adult male height is 5 feet 2 inches.

    • Small with short fingers 
    • Single crease extending across the palm of one or both hands
    • 5th finger curves inward
    • Toes have a gap between 1st and 2nd toes

    • Breastbone either sticks out or dents in.

    • Mottling is common, as is fair or sensitive skin.

      • Thin, soft, and/or sparse