Not all people with Noonan syndrome will have all of these features.
- May have had surgery and/or be on medications
- Most common deficit is pulmonary valve stenosis
- Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy occurs in 20%
- Lifetime cardiac follow-up is important for all
- Final adult height approaches lower limit of normal
- Increase in learning disabilities
- Increase in brain differences
- Wide array of neurologic problems
- Seizures possible
- Speech articulation difficulties in 72%
- Broad neck or extra tissue at back of neck
- Unusual shape to the chest
- prominence at the top of the breast bone and sunken area at the bottom
- Nipples wide spaced and low set
- Rounded shoulders
- Spinal abnormalities
- Scoliosis (10-15%)
- Less common spinal differences such as kyphoscoliosis (hunchback), spina bifida, and changes in vertebrae and ribs
- Clubfoot 10-15%
- Ability to hyperextend at the elbow
- Abnormal forearm angles found in >1/2 males and females.
- may have leg pain
- Low set ears
- Pale blue or blue green irises
- Iris’ typically lighter in color
- Wide spaced eyes with epicanthal folds (extra fold at the inner part of the eye lid) and thick or droopy eyelids
- Lack of affect or expression
- Problems affecting color and texture of the skin
- Lotions or short courses of topical steroids help dry skin
- Avoid long hot baths, perfumed soaps, and dry atmosphere
- May have curly, coarse, or sparse hair
- Specific testing will identify the problem and treatment if necessary.
- May include bruising or nose bleeds, bleeding with surgery
- Avoid aspirin unless documented that they don’t have coagulation defects
- Poor bite in 50-66%
- May be in one area or widespread
- May be before or after birth
- Overall incidence in all age groups is 20%
- Lymphedema in the arms or legs is the most common
- Typically resolves in first few years of life
- Adolescents and adults can also develop peripheral lymphedema
- Strabismus/crossed eyes
- Refractive errors
- Amblyopia (lazy eye)
- Nystagmus (rhythmic movement of the eyes from side to side)
- Present in about 11% and are generally minor
- Kidney swelling is most common
- Male puberty and fertility may be normal, delayed (about age 13.5-14.5), or inadequate
- Female puberty may be delayed
- Mean age of first period is 13-14 years
- Normal fertility typically