Physical Activity, Trips, Events

Boy in vehicle
Boy playing soccer

What you need to know

Any change in routine may produce anxiety, fears, and/or worry in some individuals. Crowds and loud noises may be overwhelming to some individuals.  If the function is in a public place, the child may have more of an opportunity to interact with strangers, so monitoring may be important.

Physical education challenges may include:

  • visual problems
  • poor muscle tone
  • mild to moderate hearing loss
  • possible cardiovascular irregularities
  • Neck Instability (AAI or atlantoaxial instability)
    • This is a condition where there is increased mobility between the first and second cervical vertebra, allowing the vertebrae to slip out of alignment easily. This can cause damage to spinal cord.

If you live in New England (USA) and qualify, Northeast Passage offers Therapeutic Recreation and Adaptive Sports programming.

What you can do

Provide supports PRIOR to any new event or trip to help familiarize with the upcoming change. This could be a story about the event, photos, etc. Provide any supports that help them with sensory overload (IPod, ear phones, etc.). Because some children are overfriendly and overly familiar with strangers, a one-on-one aide on field trips may be required.