Emergency Planning

What you need to know

Every child with CF should have an emergency plan.

  • It may be simple and just describe how medication and treatments are to be managed in case of emergency
  • It may be much more extensive and complex to address significant health issues. 

What you can do

In collaboration with the child, family, school nurse, child’s doctor, and CF team, create a written, individualized emergency plan based on the child’s needs. Include:

  • All relevant issues (e.g., dietary/medical, behavioral, etc.)
  • Possible emergency situations (child medical emergency, fire drills, actual fire, natural disasters, school lock downs, etc.)
  • Extreme temperatures (indoor and outdoor)
  • Multiple settings (school, field trips, events, on the bus, etc.)
  • The role of school staff in managing CF, which may also include specific assignments of emergency actions by school teachers and staff (e.g., chest-clearing techniques when emergency measures should be taken)
  • Strategies for communicating with the parents

For children with significant health needs, you may want to alert the local fire/emergency department ahead of time regarding the child’s needs in an emergency.